I have made milk jug skeletons before and we made them with the after school program this year. There is a lot of cutting involved and younger students needed a lot of help putting of the milk jug handles and assembling the pieces.
I also found some flag banners on anothers persons blog and adapted these for work by making a Boo banner with construction paper. the kids glued precut shapes of bats witch hats, letter etc on to the pendents then glued plastic drinking straws on the back to hang them.
I made a more elaborate version of this for my home that used punches scrap booking paper etc.
Last week we did the song "Five little pumpkins" and a created this card stock prop to use in the sing along. I made copies of it for kids to color in and make there own. there just cut colored and added tongue depressor sticks to the back.
and of course the costume.. This part is always a challenge the sewing machine always decides to freak out on me last minute. I supposed it is because of the nature or if the Halloween fabrics I use. They are never anything like the normal fabrics I use and the sewing machine never knows how to deal with them.
So anyways I have always wanted to go as Lydia from Beetle juice abut this requires someone to go with me as "Beetlejuice" During the summer at a street fest in Syracuse after finishing two dance performances with a group I stumbled across a bag sale and one of the items in it was a black and white striped suit. I was going to go make one.. but that would require going from good will to good will etc... painting sewing altering... so we just used the suit altered it a little and used the smaller stripes instead. I also made a tie and some wrist wraps as well as. The cape was a nightmare to make and took three attempts before arriving finally on the easiest whihc was to use my red cape and put electrical tape on it.I had used two other capes with a stretch fabric but the ribbon is was trying to apply did not stretch-- disaster!