So we have begun the meetings to discuss what to put into the Flying Squirrels mural.Only a few people have been in attendance so far. We have discussed ideas of the imagery we would like the mural to have and discussed what imagery we would like to include to convey our ideas.Mostly we want to mural to represent the history of the area and the building is in and the values of the group as a collective.We are trying to stay away from specific logos for groups that use the space.
We created a mind map last weekend to collaborate our thoughts and ideas and posted it in the community space to allow other to add to it.
We will begin a mock mural on paper soon.
We are currently meeting every other Thursday at 7:00 at the Flying Squirrel. For more info go to
http://flyingsquirrel.rocus.org/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Flying-Squirrels/132529023090#!/profile.php?ref=sgm&id=100000140036866
This project is funded by a grant from the Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester, the New York State council on the Arts, and the New York State legislature.
What an exciting project. I'm trying to determine where the mural is to be placed in this community?
The mural is on the aside of a building. The Flying Squirrel Community Space at the Corner of Troupe St. and Clarissa in rochester NY
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