So here are some of the fliers we doctored up for the event.We had a coloring party were we colored them in. We took Dan's loveable little yarn monster in many directions for this event.The yarn monster become Flava Flav, Harry Potter, A jester, candidate for mayor. He really developed his own person.
Here are some pictures of the yarn monster puppet getting some love.That's Dan he had no idea what he started when he drew that little guy(he is also wearing a yarn monster button that KT made for the event.
Here Marylew and Ian snuggle the little baby yarn monster.
I made many wonderful new artist acquaintances.Several were up for trading art items for art items so although my sales were not overwhelming I made new connections with people and got to bring home some awesome art...
I was stationed upstairs at my Sculptresslink table and did a quick workshop on ATC's so there are many more awesome artists downstairs that I did not get to see too much of.
So now let me share with you just a few of the new artist acquaintances I made:
This is the JBird designs tables:She makes jewelry and very cool quilted patches with skulls, birds and bold abstract patterns.
Here is the the lovely Nancy Toploski of Second Seed designs. Nancy was sitting next to the table for The Warehouse Arts.
The Warehousearts is a group of artists curently raising funds to purchase a warehouse space to by used as a collective artists work space,gallery space and, retail space to sell members artwork. We will teach classes for children and adults in a variety of media. It will be a space for musicians writers, artists and musicians to come together. We also hope to have shared facilities for glass,ceramics drawing and painting. As a member of Warehouse arts I would like to thank everyone who purchased items to help us raise our goal please come back and support us at your Silent Auction on April 1, 2010 from 4-10.Here are Dan and Alysssa from Warehouse arts.
A shout out goes to Fawn Brokaw of Fawn Ray designs, Jay Rubin of Schmutzine, Will Carroll of Rochester Teen Set Outsider,Emily Good, Tanvi Asher of Excessory ( I still want some of those bangles), Kira Sinclair of KiraArts, Dan Varenka of EAT and HEY BUDDY!,Robert Frank,Erin Bullock of Mud Creek Farm, Luke Stodola of Small World Bakery,Sara Wick,Trina Quinn,Dave Gunn/Discomfort,T.G Chernesky,Ryan Clover/Silent City Distro,Heidi Brown of Heidala's, Awkwardcore Records, John Gormly and Kaitlyn Terry of Black Olive.