Out is the garden painting this morning ans the whole world goes away.
It's just me, these canvases MY TOOLS, MY DOG AND TUBES OF PAINT.
All the sudden I CAN DO NO WRONG, All the sudden, I am awesome!
I have no idea how I will amaze my self next.Each step is an experiment.
Its all new to me but, still it was planned.
Like a pawn in game the canvas tells me what to do and I just respond.
Years of experience come flooding back in seconds as my fingers dance, swooshing brushes and making marks
I grab a palette knife and dig right in with no abandon, there is no plan, there is no mistake just color and gloppy paint.
I am a child again. I am not 33 with graying hair that badly needs dyed. I am painting. and I just remembered. That I am awesome!
I am not worrying about the dirty dishes piling up again. I am not thinking about the mistakes I made at work on the computer yesterday. I am not the error of my ways and my career.Right now I am an artist and I am awesome!
I think to myself if only I could do this everyday, if I could only wedge out a little block of time to be my myself, messy and reckless and painting my heart out. Be myself, this awesome think how smooth the rest of my day would go?

I am a mess I am dirty I am covered in paint and I don't care.

I am up and I am rolling with it .Yesterday I was down and angry but colorful none the less.When I paint I can feel however I want and let it all out without offending a soul.
I have worries but no matter,I am painting and it feels awesome!Later I may not think these canvases are that great I will see what needs to be changed but right now in the process they are amazing and I pleasantly surprise myself as I let go and let the process take over.
In Rochester we only get warm weather to go outside and paint it up a few months of the year. I need a completely safe and available space to be messy and my awesome self everyday. I need the Warehouse Arts space to open. I need a respite of sanity I needs to be able to remind myself everyday that I am awesome and have a place to go to shut off the self defeating voices. I need a place with other just as awesome as me!